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Year: 2015

Condo Adviser Awarded “Best Practice Group Blog Award” by Clawbies

The winners of the 10th Annual Canadian Law Blog Awards (the Clawbies) were announced on December 31, 2015. We are honoured and delighted to report that Condo Adviser was awarded the Best Practice Group Blog Award! This category rewards blogs by practice or industry groups in large law firms. Clawbies describes this category as one providing […]

A Condo Year in Review – Our Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2015

As most of Ontario was hit with its first snow storm of the winter, I sat down to take stock of 2015.  And what a year it has been for us and for the Condo Adviser!  Since our launch on March 24, 2015, we published more than 70 posts!  Best of all, the response from our readers has […]

Happy Holidays!

You would not know it looking out your window, but that time of year is upon us again. For many, a time to gather, a time to share and a time to celebrate with loved ones. This time of year is also a time to look back and celebrate the many joys and accomplishments of a year coming […]

Dog in Breach of Rules Ends up Costing a Lot to Its Owner

I wrote about “Peaches”, an “overweight” dog who was permanently evicted from the condominium corporation because the occupants failed to prove that Ms. Labranche had a disability requiring her to have this specific dog.  The fact of the matter is that the dog exceeded the 25-pound weight restriction imposed by the condominium’s rules. Since then, the […]

Condo Corporations Owe a Fiduciary Duty to Owners in Breach of the Rules

This is the recent story of an Ottawa condominium corporation who brought a compliance application against the occupant of a unit. Unfortunately for the corporation, when came the time to rule on legal costs, the corporation was reminded that it must consider and balance the interests of all owners…  even those in breach of the rules. Facts of […]

Ottawa Condominium Ordered to Allow Pay-and-Display Parking

In a recent Ottawa decision**, the court confirmed again that condominium corporations must be careful to properly balance the interests of all owners – even the sole commercial owner. This case opposed the interests of a parking operator who wished to operate a parking business permitted in the condo’s declaration and the residential owners who felt such a […]

The New Condo Act Has Been Adopted…. But Is Not in Force Yet

Finally! Bill 106 (an Act to amend the Ontario Condominium Act and other related legislation) passed third and final reading on December 2, 2015.  A little known fact is that it also received royal assent on December 3, 2015. The Honourable David Orazietti (the Minister of Government and Consumer Services) was proud to introduce this […]

Does PIPEDA Apply to Condominiums?

Condominium corporations inevitably collect personal information. This information includes the name, address and phone numbers of owners and residents. Corporations may also collect information related to the lease of units, owner’s arrears or breaches of governing documents.  In fact, Condominium corporations are mandated by the Condominium Act to collect such information and in many cases to retain it. […]

Directors’ Course in Ottawa and Condo Conference in Kingston

It’s a busy condo week in Eastern Ontario! ACMO and CCI-Eastern Ontario are, once again, joining forces to hold their Second Annual Kingston Condo Conference.  Our own Rod Escayola will speak on Airbnb and short-term rentals in condos and will join the expert panel to speak on the expected amendments to Ontario’s Condominium Act.  Some […]

New Rules Applicable to Condominium Corporate Records Under the “New Act”

Bill 106 (the Act aimed at amending Ontario’s Condominium Act and other condominium-related legislation) is still before the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.  This Committee held two public hearings recently, on October 22 and 29, 2015. With the benefit of these additional public consultations, and of any written submissions which were to be received […]