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Month: March 2016

Can Your Condo Prohibit Firearms on Common Property?

I recently stumbled upon an interesting blog out of Florida, where the author discussed whether a Community Association can prohibit firearms on common areas. The author discussed the required trade off between individual rights and the greater common good of the condominium community. The same balancing act applies here, north of the 49th parallel, but […]

Condo Loses Priority Over $1.3M With Directors Failing to Pay their Condo Fees and Falsifying Status Certificates

We recently blogged on how to ensure condo fees are paid before the mortgage in cases of default and we explained the importance of complying with the strict deadlines and notices imposed by the Condominium Act, 1998 (the “Act”). The recent case of Trez v. Wynford reminds us that the same is true even when condo directors are the ones in […]

New Condo Act: Very Few Amendments Were Made at the Committee Level

We all know that Bill 106 (the Act amending Ontario’s Condominium Act and other related legislation) was adopted and received Royal Assent in December 2015.  It did so after the required three readings before the Legislative Assembly and after having been referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. There, Ontarians and stakeholders […]