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Month: March 2017

Condo Managers Will Not Be Able to Solicit Proxies Under the New Condo Management Services Act

You will recall that, earlier this year, the province circulated the draft regulation it proposes to adopt under the new Condominium Management Services Act. We have extensively blogged about this.  In this post, we look at the restrictions imposed by this new legislation on the handling of proxies by condominium managers. Whether it is justified or not, […]

A Requisition for a Special Owners Meeting can Lead to a Defamation Case

The ultimate recourse when condo owners are dissatisfied with the board or its decisions is to requisition an owners meeting to remove directors. This process often leads to various groups campaigning the owners to support their position. A recent unreported case reminds us to exercise caution in the context of this democratic exercise to avoid […]

What can Condo Corporations do When Owners Display Signs of Mental Incapacity?

In this post, we discussed two recent cases where the courts have had to make the difficult decision of whether to order a condo owner to have their mental capacity assessed. Interestingly enough these cases led to surprisingly different results. The Ottawa case The Ottawa case originated from a dispute “surrounding” Ms. Sennek’s garden.  Literally.  She appeared […]

New Mandatory Training for Condo Directors

As part of its revamping of the Condo Act, the province is  imposing various additional obligations onto condo corporations, managers and directors. Last month, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services circulated a new set of draft regulations which further detail some of these new obligations. In this post, we discuss what we know about the […]