Month: April 2017
The Final Version of the Licensing Regulations for Condo Managers is Officially Out!
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has just issued and posted online the final version of the Licensing Regulations for Condo Managers! You can read the final text here. While the precise education requirements for condo managers have yet to be specified, Condo Manager licensing is expected to begin in the fall of 2017. We […]
Condo Arrears Include Legal Fees
In a recent unreported Ottawa case, a condo owner sued his condominium to recover the legal fees charged against his unit following his failure to pay his common expenses on time. This case reminds owners of the importance of paying in time the totality of the arrears… including the interests and the legal fees incurred by the corporation […]
Is your Condo Ready for the Legalization of Marijuana?
Last week, the government of Canada introduced legislation to legalize and regulate the possession, production and use of marijuana in Canada. What does that mean for your condo corporation? It may be time to update your rules. Are you considering adopting a rule regulating smoking or cannabis? You may want to survey your owners before you […]
New Condo Authorities Launch their Websites!
The “new” Condo Act and the new Condo Management Services Act are expected to be implemented in phases over the next few months. While proposed regulations to this legislation are still in draft form, the new “Condo Authorities” expected to be set up just launched their web sites. Have a look! The Condominium Authority of Ontario Ontario is expected […]
Major Changes to Condo Insurance and Repair Obligations
The province of Ontario is in the process of adopting sweeping changes to the Condominium Act. In this post we discuss how the new provisions will drastically change who is responsible to repair (and therefore who is responsible to insure) condominium units. Corporations should consider acting quickly to put in place various protections which may no […]