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Condo Managers will be Required to Provide Police Record Checks

We’re only days away from mandatory licensing of condo managers,  breathlessly waiting for the CMRAO’s online application process to go live to finally see what it’ll look like. One thing we do know, is that all applicants for a licence will have to provide a recent police record check. In this post we discuss where and how to get your police record check.

Mandatory licensing is upon us

As of November 1st, 2017, it will be illegal to commercially manage a condominium corporation without a proper licence.  Existing condo managers will be granted a deemed licence but only for a period of 90 days.  They will have until January 29, 2018 to apply for one of the following licences:

  1. A General Licence;
  2. A Transitional General Licence; or
  3. Limited licence.

We have blogged about the process. The online licensing process will go live on November 1st, 2017.  You’ll access the registration process through the CMRAO website.

Police record check

One thing that we do know already is that managers will be required to submit a recent police record check with all licence applications.  The police record check will have to be less than 6 months old.  Your police record check will have to be mailed to:

CMRAO Registrar’s Office

2 St Clair Avenue East, Suite 1500

Toronto ON  M4T 2T5

If you have not done so already, now is a good time to ask for your police record check, to be ready for November 1st, 2017. There are a few options to get those.


The Toronto Police services offer both an online process and an in-person process.

Online Application

The online process costs $20, which can be paid by credit card.  The process takes between 7 to 10 days and requires that you attend in one of the designated location to pick up the record once it is ready.  You will require two pieces of government issued identification (one containing a photograph and signature and one containing your full name and date of birth).  Social insurance cards and health cards are not valid pieces of ID.

You can start the online process here.

In-Person Application

If you prefer to do it in person, you will need to go to the Customer Service Centre at the Toronto Police Headquarters, 40 College street, Monday to Friday, from 0700 to 1700 hours.  The cost is the same ($20) and you require the same two pieces of government issued identification. You should download and complete the Authorization form ahead of time.

You can get more information on a criminal record check with the Toronto police here.


The Ottawa Police services also offers a choice between online and in-person applications.  They strongly encourage online applications. You also require two pieces of government issued ID, showing your photograph and signature, as well as your full name and date of birth.

Online Application

The online application is accessible 24/7.  To use the online process, you are required to have a bank account and a credit history.  The Ottawa Police services uses Equifax to verify your identity through your credit information.

The Ottawa Police offers three level of criminal record background check.  You require a “Level 2 check”, which includes a criminal record and judicial matters check.  It costs $15 if you are a resident of Ottawa and $56 if you are a resident of the Gatineau-Hull area.  You can start your online application for a Police check here. You will be required to create an online account.

Click here for additional information about the online application.

In Person Application

To apply in person, you need to go to 2670 Queensview Drive, from Monday to Friday, between 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.  The cost for a in person application is $41 – presumably plus the surcharge if you are from the Gatineau-Hull area.  You should download and complete the form prior to attending the service centre.  You can get additional information about the in person application here.

Online through the CMRAO

Last week, the CMRAO announced that it has partnered with Sterling Talent Solutions to offer a convenient online criminal record check solution.  Managers who opt to avail themselves of this services, can complete their criminal record checks online.  The cost is $19.80 + taxes, which can be paid by credit card.  The results will be processed and releases within one business day.  It is unclear at this time whether this option is only available for GTA residents.

Click here to start your online check with Sterling Talent Solutions.

Please note that, if you use this option, the results of your check will be released and shared with the CMRAO at the same time as they are released to you.  If you use this option, you do not need to mail in your police record check.

Elsewhere in Ontario

You usually have to do your police record check in the area where you reside. We list below links to get police record checks in other major urban centres in Ontario:



Durham Region




London (these requests take about 1 month to process)

Niagara region

Windsor (these requests take up to 2 weeks to process)

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