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Month: November 2017

Disclosure Obligations of Condo Directors at AGMs

One of the many changes to have come into force this month is the requirement for all condo directors to disclose certain facts about themselves or risk being automatically disqualified.  This post will help you with the process and timing of this new requirement. Directors qualifications The amended Condo Act added 2 additional requirements for an […]

Still Confused About Which Manager’s Licence is Right for You?

 – -Please note that the deadline to apply for a condo management licence has been pushed back to March 30, 2018. – –  Mandatory licensing of condo managers has been ongoing for a few weeks now and the deadline to get your licence is looming. Have you figured out yet which licence is right for you? […]

Changes to the Condo Act: What Changes Have NOT Been Implemented Yet

On November 1st, 2017, the province “turned on” many of its new legislative provisions affecting the condominium industry. Last week, we blogged about the changes which have been implemented. This week, we blog about those changes which have not been implemented yet. For all of the items listed below, we are still under the “old” version […]

Having Problems Viewing the New Condo Forms?

You’ll recall that, on November 1st, 2017, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services issued new forms to be used under the Condo Act. Many readers have reported experiencing difficulties viewing these forms online.  Here are a few tricks to help you view the new forms. The simplest way to view the forms is to visit […]

Let us Remember Those Who Gave Their Today for our Tomorrow

November is Remembrance month.  As we approach the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, we pause to remember those who gave their today for our tomorrow. We dedicate this post to the lawyers and law students who died during the two world conflicts. Ontario Lawyers and Law Students Answered the Call of Duty […]

New Condo Act: What Changes Have Been Implemented on November First

On November 1st, 2017, the province “turned on” many new legislative provisions affecting the condo industry. There is no turning back now. Still, it is worth remembering that not all changes to the Condominum Act are in force yet. The remaining changes will be implemented in phases. In this blog, we discuss the changes which have been implemented last […]

The Forms Under the New Condo Act Are Out!

We have added a new tab at the top of our blog to facilitate access to the new forms.  You can also click here and be redirected to these new forms. After many years of discussion and speculation, the new Condominium Act is finally here! The majority of the amendments to the Act and the […]