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Having Problems Viewing the New Condo Forms?

You’ll recall that, on November 1st, 2017, the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services issued new forms to be used under the Condo Act. Many readers have reported experiencing difficulties viewing these forms online.  Here are a few tricks to help you view the new forms.

The simplest way to view the forms is to visit our Condo Act Forms menu at the top of our blog.  We have included both a link to the forms and a pdf copy of them.  You can click on the link to get to a “fillable form” or, if that won’t work, you can click on the pdf link to get a printable version of it.

If you can’t open/view the fillable forms online, try the following:

  • Ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader (v. 8 or higher);
  • Try using Internet Explorer. For some reason, the government forms seem to work best with this browser;
  • You can also try to right-click on the links and then select “Save link as”. This will allow you to save the forms on your computer.

As indicated, if you still can’t view the fillable version, try clicking on the printable version of the form.  The form won’t be “fillable” but you’ll be able to view it and to fill it by hand.

Hopefully the province will resolve this technical difficulty but for now you can access the forms as described above.


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