The Forms Under the New Condo Act Are Out!
We have added a new tab at the top of our blog to facilitate access to the new forms. You can also click here and be redirected to these new forms.
After many years of discussion and speculation, the new Condominium Act is finally here! The majority of the amendments to the Act and the new regulations under the Act are coming into force today, November 1st 2017. The Minister of Government and Consumer Services has released an Order enacting new forms under the Act. The forms are now available on the Government’s website in French and in English.
This series of new forms will make it a lot easier for condominium corporations and owners to comply with the new requirements of the Act.
Please note that not all new requirements are mandatory as of November 1st, 2017 and that the regulation provides for transition periods. For instance, the new procedure to call a meeting of owners only applies if the meeting is held on or after December 11, 2017 and the board has not sent any notice with respect to the meeting before November 1, 2017.
Ready or not, the new Condominium Act is here! For more information, please read our previous blogs on the changes to the Act.
Also try our AGM calculator to help you determine when to send your notices.