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2019 Ottawa Condominium Conference – 3 Directors for the Price of 2

As we enter that special Canadian time of year where we keep getting teased with Spring weather, that can only mean one thing: the annual CCI-EO/ACMO Conference in Ottawa is around the corner! This year, the conference is being held on May 11, 2019.

Like last year, the conference is taking place on a Saturday in order to accommodate more participants. There will be a wide variety of exhibits to visit and panels to view on topics such as:

  • a workshop on preparing Notices of Meeting;
  • managing conflict;
  • building operations and maintenance tips;
  • collections 101;
  • a legal panel;
  • and much more (check out the information site here)!

Multiple concurrent panels will take place at the same time to allow coverage of more topics.  You may want to send more than one director or manager to be able to attend more of the mini-sessions. On that topic, if you register before April 19, 2019, three Board members can attend for the price of two!

This conference is always a great opportunity to meet with industry experts, property managers, trades and service providers and, more importantly, to network with fellow condo directors.

Register now to avoid missing out.  You can register online or download the registration form on CCI-EO’s website. We hope to see you there and we look forward to meeting and chatting with you on May 11!