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Month: May 2019

Can Owners Access Emails Exchanged Between Condo Directors?

Earlier this month, the Condo Authority Tribunal (CAT) ruled on whether owners have a right to get copies or review emails exchanged between directors in circumstances where these emails are the basis of board decisions. In this specific case, the CAT concluded that these emails did not form part of the corporation’s record and, as […]

No Gender Parity on Condo Boards

Earlier this month, CBC published an article on gender parity on corporate boards across Canada. Its findings were surprising and it made us wonder whether condo boards fared better in Ontario. You may be surprised by the results of our research. Inequities in the corporate world As reported by the CBC, according to Statistics Canada, […]

Condo Events in Ottawa – Coming up Soon!

As we come out of the tail end of this year’s second or third winter (I’ve lost count), we can see on the horizon that summer is around the corner. Beaches, patios, frisbee in the park, and (in the Ottawa region) two great new condo networking and learning opportunities! Both of these fantastic events will […]

Condo Owners not Entitled to the Email Addresses of Other Owners

Over the years, there has been much debate over whether condo owners have a right to access the email addresses of other owners. Just as we were last blogging on this, the Condo Authority Tribunal was hearing a case on this exact topic. If there was any doubt, we now know: condo owners are not entitled […]

Do Police Need a Warrant to Investigate on Common Elements (Part II)

In this series of posts, we are exploring the question of whether condo corporations can (or should) assist police in the context of an ongoing investigation. [Have a look at our more recent blog post on this issue] In our prior posts, we reviewed two cases where police entered onto common elements for the purpose […]