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Month: June 2019

Condos Must Notify Owners Before They Commence Lawsuits

In a recent decision, the court analyzed the circumstances under which a condo corporation must notify its owners of its intention to commence a lawsuit. In most cases, such a notification must be provide before the lawsuit is even commenced.  Failure to do so may invalidate the legal proceeding.  This can have dire consequences if, in […]

Can Condo Boards Take Decisions by Email?

Our last post on whether condo owners could access Board emails triggered quite the reaction from our readers. Many wondered whether condo boards could take decisions secretarially, by email, between meetings.  Here’s the answer. In theory, the answer is “no”…. But what about in practice though? Read on. Are your condo fees too high? How do […]

Not all Condo By-laws Require an Absolute Majority to Pass

As most of our readers know, condominium by-laws in Ontario can only be adopted if approved by at least a majority of all registered units. But this is not true of all by-laws.  Some can be adopted by a “simple majority”. This post is about those. What’s a by-law? We’ve blog already on the difference between […]