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Month: December 2019

The Condo Director Who Stole Christmas

As we approach year end and embark on our collective mad-dash towards the holidays, we thought we’d revisit a Christmas classic and adapt it to the condo world. Here’s our last post of the year; our Condo Christmas Story. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals involved. You’re a […]

Prohibiting Nuisance, Annoyance and Disruption in Condos

The province is seeking your input on 2 very important (and related) matters: Better regulating nuisance, annoyance and disruption in condos; Expanding the Condo Authority Tribunal’s authority to deal with disputes related to these. Your views and comments on these important changes must be sent in before January 31, 2020. Nuisance, annoyance and disruption One […]

Condo-Retirement Homes Must Treat Everyone Fairly

“The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” – Abe Lemons What happens when a condo also happens to be a for-profit, corporate-controlled Retirement Home, but not all owners contribute equally to the mandatory assisted-living expenses? Well, in a recent Superior Court decision, the Court declared that it was unfairly prejudicial […]

Condo Forms About to Get a Lot Simpler!

Breaking news for anyone who has ever attempted to fill out one of the Government of Ontario’s condo forms! The province has just announced that, as of January 1, 2020, the responsibility for 17 of the forms under the Condo Act will be delegated to the CAO, and will no longer be hosted on the […]

Cameras and Police Investigations on Common Elements: Limits of Board Authority

The Ontario Court of Appeal has issued an important decision giving condo boards some clarity on how much they are expected to cooperate with police investigations. It also traces clear limits on investigatory powers police have on common elements.  Ultimately, the Court of Appeal helps us understand whether police can conduct investigations on common elements, […]