Condo Tasks to do this Month
As the blissful haze of the holiday period dissipates, it’s back to regular business to all of the Condo Geeks out there. With this post, let us remind you of some tasks requiring your (near) immediate attention.
Apply for the new Electricity Rebate Program
Last November, the province introduced a new Ontario Electricity Rebate program to replace the old “Fair Hydro Plan” set by the previous government. We blogged on this here.
While the net effect of this change will greatly vary from corporation to corporation, there is an expectation that there will probably be an increase in electricity cost across the board.
What’s important to remember is that if you want to benefit from the new rebate without interruption from the old program (assuming you qualify for the new rebate), you must apply with your Local Distribution Company before January 31, 2020.
For more information on this new rebate program, contact your Local Electricity Distribution company (Hydro Toronto, Hydro Ottawa, Oakville Hydro….) or to the Ontario Energy Board. Not sure about who is your Local Distribution Company? Click here.
Filing your returns with the CAO
As of a couple of days ago, you can file this year’s Annual Return with the Condo Authority of Ontario. You can do this online.
Upon filing your Annual Return, the CAO will issue your assessment invoice for the year. We continue to benefit from a temporary rebate this year. You can expect your assessment to come at $0.75 per month, per voting unit.
You generally have until March 31 to file your Annual Return. Don’t miss the filing deadline as the CAO now charges a late filing fee of $200 for each overdue return.
You can find more information about these required Returns and the link to actually file the return by visiting this CAO page.
Comments on changes to nuisance, annoyance and disruption regulations
Our last reminder will be to those who wish to comment on the province’s proposed changes to how condos can regulate nuisance, annoyance and disruptions.
You may recall that the province is proposing to amend s. 117 to prohibit unreasonable noise, nuisance, annoyance and disruptions in condo units or on common elements. The province is also seeking to refer these disputes to the Condo Tribunal.
We blogged about this here. The deadline to submit your comments is January 31, 2020.
You can read more on the province’s proposed changes to the Condominium Act by clicking here. Comments can be sent by email or by mail (at the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, 56 Wellesley St. W, 6th Floor, Toronto ON, M7A 1C1). Make sure you quote Comment Proposal 19-MGCS012.