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Condo Managers are Included in Essential Services (Ontario)

On Monday, Ontario declared that all non-essential workplaces would be closed down for at least 14 days amid the Coronavirus crisis.  At the time of this press conference, the province was still working on the list of essential services. We were expecting the list to come out on Tuesday but a preliminary list was released at around 9:20pm on Monday.

Here is a link to the list of Ontario’s essential services (as at March 23).

Of great interest (and relief) to Condo Land, the following is included as in the essential services:

Business that provide support and maintenance service, including urgent repair, to maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial industrial and residential properties and buildings, including property management services, plumbers, electricians custodial/janitorial workers, cleaning services, security services, fire safety and sprinkler systems, building systems maintenance and repair technicians and engineers, mechanics (e.g. HVAC, escalator and elevator technicians), and other service providers who provide similar services.

This is great news as all of these service providers are essential to the continued operations of condos and to the safety and security of the 1.6 million Ontarians living in condos.

Don’t miss out on our weekly webinars on how condos can best tackle the COVID-19 crisis. More info and registration here.

This week, our webinar is on March 25 at 5pm.