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Health and Safety Measures Required in Condos – COVID19

Both Toronto and Ottawa (amongst other cities) are urging condo corporations to immediately implement measures and protocols to ensure the health and safety of their residents.

Don’t miss our free webinars on the impact COVID-19 has on condos. More info and registration form here.


In a press release dated March 27, Toronto urges “building operators” to follow these guidelines to protect the residents of their vertical communities:

  1. Install alcohol-based hand sanitizers or washing stations in building entrances and other common areas;
  2. Close all non-essential amenities such as “public” washrooms, fitness rooms, playrooms, and other high traffic areas
  3. Routinely clean/disinfect frequently touched areas, including door knobs, elevator buttons, toilet handles, light switches, rails, surfaces, keypads…
  4. Organize buildings to accept deliveries of essential goods;
  5. Post signages to encourage all to maintain a safe distance (2 metres) between individuals;
  6. Take precautions when dealing with open-houses.

Here’s a notice you could post in/near your elevators.

Here’s a link to the city’s very useful page on COVID-19.


On March 21, the city of Ottawa issued a bulletin providing Guidance for Multi-Unit Dwellings. It provided similar recommendations including the additional following ones:

  • Suspend all non-urgent inspections and repair work;
  • Close all onsite recreational amenities and gathering spaces;
  • Encourage limited use of public areas for necessary outings and take additional precautions in shared spaces (lobbies, hallways, mail rooms, laundry room…)

We have been recommending these for over two weeks now.  Most condo corporations (and residents) agree and abide by these, thankfully.  The current situation is likely to last though.  Repeated reminders will be required as collective vigilance may wear off over time.

Here’s a link to Ottawa’s page on COVID-19.

Stay home.  Stay healthy.