CondoVirus Webinar: Mock Virtual AGM (May 27)
Episode 11 “Mock Virtual AGM”
Everyone is talking about virtual AGMs being the way of the future. But how the heck will these things work?
Fear not, Gowling Landings held its first Virtual AGM on May 27, 2020. All owners were able to see, feel and try the process from beginning to end.
How did it work?
We set it up like a real virtual AGM:
- Our participants were the “unit owners”.
- We had:
- a board
- condo lawyers (Rod Escayola and Denise Lash)
- managers (Sean Cornish and Katherine Gow)
- Auditor (Brian Antman) and
- your favourite owners…
- You can download the Preliminary Notice that was “sent” (by clicking here).
On AGM day
- Participants got the “owner’s experience” of a virtual AGM from beginning to end including:
- Receiving the notices.
- Registering for it.
- Logging in.
- How to chair a virtual meeting.
- Presenting the audit.
- You’ll see how to
- Take polls;
- Call for motions;
- Vote on motions;
- Appoint the auditor;
- Vote for directors.
- Fielding owners’ questions.
View on Demand:
- You can view the webinar here
- You can download the powerpoint presentation here
- “Chat” from out webinar