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Condo Learning Opportunities in March

March (!) is upon us! With it, tons of condo learning opportunities.  We’re listing here a couple of them.  All great opportunities to connect, network and learn…

Deep Dive on Condo By-laws (March 3)

This month, CondoAdviser is taking a deep dive on condo by-laws: What they do; what they don’t do; how they work and how to adopt them. Your favourite #CondoGeeks will demystify the most common by-laws, including Standard Unit, Insurance Deductible, Borrowing, Operating and E-Meeting by-laws.  An intense and comprehensive webinar!

More info and registration here.

Virtual Chair Certification (March 11 and 25)

The Community Association Institute (CAI) is presenting a 2-session comprehensive workshop on virtual chairing. From preparation to execution: every step leading to a successful meeting. The panelists will give scripts, tips and checklists.

$25 for CAI members and $75 for non-members.

More info and registration here.

Deep Dive on Condo Insurance (March 31)

Ottawa’s Condo Directors Group is inviting its members to a workshop on condo insurance: Who pays for what; Industry trends; How to improve your insurance situation and a comprehensive discussion on Insurance Deductible by-laws and Standard Unit By-laws.

This event is only opened to CDG members.  More info here.

CCI Learning opportunities

Your CCI chapters offer various learning opportunities this month:

Golden Horseshoe: Intro to condos (March 4)

Golden Horseshoe: Money Condo Talk (March 16)

Toronto: Essential Rules and by-laws (March 23)

Huronia: Fire prevention tips luncheon (March 24)

Golden Horseshoe: Legal Q&A Rapid Fire (March 25)

Ottawa: Changes to CAT and Condo Act (March 26)

London Area: 3 Ps, how to use the CAT process (March 30)