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Month: October 2021

Has last week’s COVID announcement changed anything for Ontario condos?

Last week, Ontario announced how it plans to safely reopen the province over the next few months. Many readers have since asked us whether this new plan impacted condos. The short answer is that last week’s announcement has very little immediate impact on condos. However, if the plan is followed, condos may have to review […]

Webinar: Deep Dive on Reserve Fund Studies (Nov. 3 @ 5pm)

Condo corporations must establish a reserve fund to pay for major repairs and replacement of the corporation’s common elements and assets.  To ensure sufficient funding, condo corporations must conduct a reserve fund every three years to determine how much money the corporation will need, over the next 30 years, to maintain/replace these assets. This budgeted estimate […]

Condo Tribunal evicts emotional support dog

Ontario’s Condo Authority Tribunal (CAT) issued another decision leading to the eviction of a pet who was allowed to urinate and defecate on a balcony (with waste dripping/falling on the patio below). Of interest, the dog in question was claimed to be an emotional support dog and the owner appeared to seek an accommodation based […]

Condo owners cannot dictate when to change the windows

In a recent decision, the Superior Court shed some light on the extent to which a condo owner can dictate when and how the corporation is to maintain, repair and replace common elements. Specifically, this owner was unsatisfied with the perceived delay in changing some of his unit windows and brought the corporation to court, […]

Ontario Extends Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting Until September 30, 2022

As our readers know, Ontario condos are allowed to hold virtual AGMs and to secure voting through electronic means pursuant to an exception in place under the Condo Act.  These exceptions were initially implemented in response to the pandemic and were set to expire on September 30, 2022. Ontario has announced today that they made […]