Webinar: Deep Dive on Condo Boards of Directors
There are some 45,000 condo directors in Ontario. Overworked and under thanked, these men and women are essential to the governance and functioning of some 12,000 condos. But who are these people and what is expected of them? In this webinar we cover everything you never dared to ask about condo directors: How they work; What makes them work and what makes them fail. Who can be on a board of directors and who should not.
- Number of directors:
- What is required by law?
- How many is right?
- How do we increase the number of directors on a board
- What makes a good director (and who should not be on your board)
- Quorum for business
- Can you meet virtually
- Can you take decisions by email
- Director qualifications (and disqualification)
- Director training
- Difference between Directors and officers
- Roles and responsibilities
- Statutory standard of care
- Conflict of interests
- What is acting in good faith?
- How to diffuse conflict at the board level
The Gowling crew:
- Rod Escayola (Gowling WLG)
- Graeme MacPherson (Gowling WLG)
- David Plotkin (Gowling WLG)
Guests: (we’re still working on this)
- Murray Johnson (Crossbridge)
- Debbie MacEwen (Condo Management Group)
Watch on demand and resources
- Watch the webinar on demand
- Download the powerpoint presentation
- Review the chat amongst the participants
This webinar was recorded on February 2, 2022