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Webinar: Hybrid AGMs

Topics:   Hybrid AGMs

The province has recently extended virtual AGMs and e-Voting for another year (until Sept. 2023).  With virtual AGMs being here to stay, many are asking about hybrid meetings.  During this webinar, we reunited two of the biggest providers CondoVoter and Get Quorum to share their views about the future of virtual AGMs.

Our guests will tackle the following:

  • What are hybrid AGMs and how do they work?
  • Should your meeting be in-person; virtual or hybrid?
  • Who decides on format meeting: owners or the board?
  • What do owners prefer?
  • What are the various types of hybrid meetings and which ones work best?
  • What options are being provided by virtual meeting providers?
  • Can owners access AGM recordings?
  • Can owner pick the chair?
  • Dos and Don’ts when going hybrid

Share your views about hybrid meetings with this quick survey.

This webinar was recorded on Septembre 7, 2022.


The Gowling crew:

  • Rod Escayola (Gowling WLG)
  • Graeme MacPherson (Gowling WLG)
  • David Plotkin (Gowling WLG)


  • Adam Arcuri – Condo Voter
  • Mark DiPinto – Get Quorum


Share your views about hybrid meetings with this quick survey.

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