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Month: September 2022

What can condos do when owners interfere with snow contractors?

The Condo Tribunal had to recently deal with a case where a condo owner interfered with the snow removal operations by parking his car (on his driveway) in such a way as to impede the snow removal operations. This owner also inappropriately interacted with management and a director of the corporation. Sounds familiar? Read on […]

What has the CMRAO done for you lately?

The CMRAO has recently issued its yearly report covering their activities for their 2021/2022 fiscal year.  In this post, we review some of the great work it has done for the industry in the last year. Who is the CMRAO? As some of our readers will know, the CMRAO is the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority […]

Can condo owners ask to see minutes of *future* board meetings?

We all know that condo owners can ask for copies of past board meetings. This is done through a records request. But can an owner proactively request to see minutes of all future board meetings or must they make a request each month? Do you think corporations should post minutes of board meetings or should […]

Who decides whether a dog is too dangerous to stay at a condo?

In an interesting (and surprising) decision, the Condo Tribunal reversed a board’s decision to deem a dog a nuisance and to have it evicted after it attacked another dog on common elements. This case raises very important questions on who (between condo boards and the Condo Tribunal) should ultimately decide whether a dog is too […]