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Month: November 2022

Are owners entitled to access recordings of online condo meetings?

For the second time, the Condo Tribunal was asked to rule on whether recordings of online owners’ meetings constitute a record of the corporation to which owners are entitled.  This case significantly moved the needle with its conclusion that such recordings are in fact records of the corporation (at least in the circumstances of this […]

Webinar: Condo Jeopardy Lawyer’s Edition (Dec. 7 at 5pm)

It seems that the most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner…. in a month to be more precise.  So for the last Condo Adviser episode of the year we thought we’d repeat last year’s Condo Jeopardy – Lawyer’s Edition !!! As we did last year, we rounded up Condo Lawyers from […]

Smoke complaints: Condos must investigate both sides

This is your typical case involving condo owners complaining of smoke/smell emanating from a neighbouring unit.  As is often the case, you have repeated complaints from the same few neighbours and a strong denial from the owner at the centre of the complaints. So, what is a corporation to do in these circumstances?  Here is […]

The return of Canada’s Unknown Soldier – Remembrance post

Every November we pause to remember those who served in war and peace and those who paid the ultimate price for our collective freedom. This year, this very freedom and the values behind it were tested.  Some even attempted to appropriate and redefine them in furtherance of their political agenda.  For this reason, this year’s […]