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Year: 2023

Frosty the Boardman (Ode to CondoLand)

Here we are, reaching the end of another year! As most are winding down for the season, we offer our traditional Christmas blog post! As we have done these last few years, we offer to revisit a Christmas classic and adapt it to CondoLand. This year, we present our version of the well-known song Frosty […]

Can condo corporations put up “Christmas” decorations on common elements?

We’re fast approaching that most wonderful time of the year, with cheers of joy and good wishes… for most.  You see, the holiday spirit is not universally shared by all. To help you get into the holiday spirit (should you be so inclined but in no way obligated to), we decided to revisit this 2021 post […]

Webinar: Ask a lawyer any [condo] question – Wed. Dec. 6 @5pm

In  line with the holiday spirit, we decided to try something a little different for this one.  Your three favourite condo lawyers took on  your condo questions, live on air. Tune in to listen to their pointers and best practice advice in response to condo questions from their viewers. Watch on demand You can watch […]

Canada’s Peacekeepers – A Remembrance post

Every year, we pause to remember and honour past and present heroes who fought bravely to uphold our way of life, many of them giving up their own. This act of remembrance is all the more important this year, at a time when the world is in dire need of peace. For this reason, we […]

Webinar: Changes to common elements

An oddly recurring set of questions we get deals with modifications to common elements.  Who can modify them and under what conditions? What about Corporations? Can they modify common elements and, if so, what’s the level of consultation required to do so? Who pays for what? …. etc.  Join us to learn on this from […]

When, why and how to change condo manager (Webinar)

A good condo manager is essential to the smooth operations of your condo. Through thick and thin, your manager is your most trusted ally and, in many cases, your first responder. For this reason, it is essential to build a trusting and respectful, long-term relationship with them.  Still, sometimes, the “fit” is lost and management […]

Condo liens, oppression, insurance deductible and other firefighting lessons

Sadly, this case started with eggs being inadvertently forgotten on a stove and ended with an owner losing his home when he refused to pay the deductible amount being charged back to his unit. In this blog, we discuss the validity of condo liens and the deference that will be granted to condo corporations who […]

Webinar: Back to [Condo] School ! (Wed. Sept. 6)

With September at our doors, we are launching our webinar season! As we have over the last 3 years, we will aim for 5 pm on the first Wednesday of each month.  As always, we’ll do our best to keep them useful, relevant and fun! We are launching our season with our  “Back to [Condo] […]

Can condos prohibit owners from displaying the Canadian Flag?

With Canada Day only two weeks away, Canadian flags will start popping up everywhere, including in Condo Land.  Inevitably, this will lead to a yearly question: Can condos prohibit owners from displaying their maple leaf pride? We tackle this question in this post. The first raising of our flag On February 15, 1965, our brand […]

Webinar: Condo Low Law Palooza with condo lawyer friends (June 21 at 5pm)

For our final episode of the season (!), we’ve invited some of our condo lawyer friends from across the province to join us in our annual Condo Low Law Palooza! The best legal minds in the industry will present their favourite recent legal case.  Check out our speaker line up below! You don’t want to […]