Month: June 2023
Can condos prohibit owners from displaying the Canadian Flag?
With Canada Day only two weeks away, Canadian flags will start popping up everywhere, including in Condo Land. Inevitably, this will lead to a yearly question: Can condos prohibit owners from displaying their maple leaf pride? We tackle this question in this post. The first raising of our flag On February 15, 1965, our brand […]
Webinar: Condo Low Law Palooza with condo lawyer friends (June 21 at 5pm)
For our final episode of the season (!), we’ve invited some of our condo lawyer friends from across the province to join us in our annual Condo Low Law Palooza! The best legal minds in the industry will present their favourite recent legal case. Check out our speaker line up below! You don’t want to […]
Vitual AGMs and Electronic voting are here to stay!
The “Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act” (Bill 91) received royal assent yesterday, which will amend the Condo Act to: permit condos to hold virtual or hybrid meetings; permit voting to be done electronically; and, facilitate how notices and other documents are sent to owners. The above will be allowed without the requirement of passing […]
Can I BBQ on my Condo Balcony?
It’s BBQ season! With it, comes questions pertaining to BBQ safety and neighbourly etiquette. This is particularly true in condo living and even more so when one lives in a mid to high-rise complex, where occupants have the exclusive use of a balcony. A recurring question is whether BBQs are allowed on condo terraces and balconies. […]