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Frosty the Boardman (Ode to CondoLand)

Here we are, reaching the end of another year! As most are winding down for the season, we offer our traditional Christmas blog post!

As we have done these last few years, we offer to revisit a Christmas classic and adapt it to CondoLand. This year, we present our version of the well-known song Frosty the Snowman, as it would have been written if Walter Rollins and Steve Nelson had lived in a condo, north of the 49th parallel.

Unless you’re a pro at Karaoke, you may want to play the song in the background to help you sing along. You can do so by clicking on the “play” button below. Start singing at the 8-second mark, after the intro!

Frosty the Boardman
Was a very icy soul.
Had a cannabis pipe (with a doctor’s note!)
And a heart made out of coal.

Frosty the Boardman
Is a common tale, they say.
Dissent he would sow, no one seems to know
How he won ‘election that day.

There must have been som’ tragic in
That bag of proxy’ they found…
And when he heard that he had won:
“Special assessment all around!”

Oh, Frosty the Boardman
Was oppressive as could be
and the owners said he would have to pay
Just the same as you and me.

Frosty the Boardman
Knew the CAO would catch him som’ day
So he said, “Let’s run, spend the reserve fund
And let’s watch it melt away.”

Down by the entrance, to the Super he made a call:
“Get rid of all this salt and deny all fault!
Watch your step and you won’t fall!”

Don’t like big dogs? Let’s pass a rule.
Good luck striking it down!
Virtual meetings? Don’t be a fool!
Stack the proxies; elect a clown!

Oh, Frosty the Boardman
A requisition melted him away.
All owners waived goodbye, saying
“Don’t you cry, CondoLand won another day!”


Here you have it folks! Wishing everyone all of the very best this season! Looking forward to seeing you in the new year!