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Month: January 2024

Webinar: Deep dive on condo insurance – Part I

The single most complicated issue in condo land is insurance. Not a day goes by without clients asking us what insurance is required; who pays for damage to a unit; who pays the deductible amount.  And not a single day goes by where we don’t answer: “It depends”.  Let’s clarify this question once and for […]

Can AGM packages be sent to condo owners by email?

Since last October, condo corporations are permitted to send notices to owners by email.  Our readers have asked us whether this applies to AGM packages as well.  Search no more, here’s the answer. Recent changes to the Act The “Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act” (Bill 91) received royal assent last June. This Act modernized the Condo […]

Are clients of home businesses allowed to use the visitor parking?

Most condo corporations have very limited visitor parking available to them. This requires that their use be regulated and monitored to ensure that they are available to bona fide visitors. In a recent decision, the CAT had to rule on whether owners could use the visitor parking for home office clients. Interesting lessons. It may […]

Who pays for shared expenses when there is no shared facilities agreement?

Usually, condo corporations sharing assets or equipment have in place cost sharing agreements. But in many cases, there aren’t such agreements or those in place are inadequate. The question in today’s post: who pays for shared expenses in these cases? The Court of Appeal has recently ruled on this in one of our cases. Facts […]

Are “Owners’ Handbooks” Enforceable?

Many condo corporations set out their rules in “owners’ handbooks” or  “guidebooks” that are passed down from board to board. In many cases, how and when these “rules” were adopted is lost to history. This can cause significant challenges to condos when it comes time to enforce these rules or, as in a recent court […]