Reliable and timely advice for all of your condominium legal needs in Ontario.


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Can condo corporations access the neighbour’s property to repair their own?

Happy Dog Days of Summer, As construction season ramped up again earlier this Spring, a recent decision out of the Superior Court of Justice dealt with a situation where a condo urgently needed to conduct rooftop repairs, but its neighbour would not grant the condo access to its land so the condo could access its […]

Using a “Sledge Hammer” to Secure Compliance: A Risky Proposition

What tools does a Corporation have when an owner refuses to comply with the Corporation’s governing documents? Our avid readers will know that securing compliance can be tricky if not done in a strategic, reasonable and forward-thinking manner. A recent case out of Toronto is a stark reminder of what condos should (and should not […]

The CAT’s New Jurisdiction over Parking

A recent decision out of the CAT has helped clarify what types of matters corporations and owners can bring to this tribunal. As a brief reminder, the CAT can now adjudicate cases dealing with pets, parking, vehicles, storage, and chargebacks related to disputes over these items. We blogged about the newly expanded jurisdiction of the […]

Back to Basics: How to Adopt a Condo By-law

We have all spent the past few months discussing the nitty gritty of how a pandemic affects a condominium, its directors, managers, and owners. At the time of writing (knock on wood), the public health crisis seems to be relatively under control in the province of Ontario. We therefore take this opportunity to go back […]

Ontario Closing all Non-Essential Services – What Does that Mean for Condos?

On March 23, 2020, Premier Ford informed the public that all “non-essential” workplaces are being closed down, as soon as possible, and by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at the latest. The forced closure is expected to last 14 days. CBC reported on this here. This followed a similar directive from the premier of Quebec. […]

Condos Must Act Reasonably When Seeking Compliance

Well, loyal readers, it looks like the most recent Superior Court decision, Amlani v YCC 473 has caused quite a stir in the Condo blogosphere. Our last post on this decision concluded that Condos Cannot Lien the Cost of Seeking Compliance. Some of our esteemed colleagues have since agreed with our take that costs for compliance can never […]

Condo Adviser Receives a Clawbies Award

New Years Eve brought in great news and some bragging rights to the Condo Adviser team!  Indeed, on December 31, 2019, we had the immense (and unexpected) honour of being inducted in the Clawbies Hall of Fame!  This recognition came after having received 3 prior Clawbies since our launch 4 years ago. Our induction in the […]

Condo-Retirement Homes Must Treat Everyone Fairly

“The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” – Abe Lemons What happens when a condo also happens to be a for-profit, corporate-controlled Retirement Home, but not all owners contribute equally to the mandatory assisted-living expenses? Well, in a recent Superior Court decision, the Court declared that it was unfairly prejudicial […]

Ontario’s Small Claims Court Raising its $$ Limits

Effective January 1, 2020, the Government of Ontario has raised the monetary threshold for Small Claims Court from $25,000 to $35,000. This means that, as of that date, monetary claims of up to $35,000 will have to be brought to Small Claims Court.  Anything above that amount will continue to be adjudicated by the Superior […]

Rosh Hashana Greetings – and a Refresher on Religious Accommodation in the Condo World

This coming Sunday evening to Tuesday evening (Sept.29-Oct.1), this CondoAdviser contributor will be logging off and spending 2 days with family and community for the observance of the Jewish High Holiday of Rosh Hashana. Rosh Hashana marks the New Year, pursuant to the Jewish lunar calendar. This year, we celebrate Year 5780! In this holiday season, […]