While there had been a bit of a lull in the implementation of the amendments to the Condo Act since the change of the guard at Queens park, things have not come to a screeching halt. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has released new continuing education requirement for some condo managers. These changes do not […]
New year: more changes to the condo industry. The province of Ontario has issued today an update on recent condo law changes taking place in early 2018. Specifically, the province has confirmed the implementation of more provisions and of new regulations under the Condo Management Services Act, which will come into effect on February 1, 2018. In […]
Last year has been quite the year for the condo industry. After many years of discussion and speculation, we finally saw the implementation of many of the amendments to the Condo Act and of a substantial portion of the newly adopted regulation. We also saw the launch of the new Condominium Authority, its new tribunal and of the Condo […]
On November 1st, 2017, the province “turned on” many new legislative provisions affecting the condo industry. There is no turning back now. Still, it is worth remembering that not all changes to the Condominum Act are in force yet. The remaining changes will be implemented in phases. In this blog, we discuss the changes which have been implemented last […]
The province is again seeking input and comments on proposed regulations under the Condo Management Services Act. Of particular interest, the province has circulated a proposed Code of Ethics for condo managers. Here is what it is likely to look like. New proposed Regs under the CMSA In a communiqué issued on August 30, 2017, the […]
We are getting lots of calls from condo managers asking for guidance on how to apply for their Manager’s licence. The November 1st deadline is indeed fast approaching! Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how to apply for your CM licence. When to apply for a licence? As of November 1, 2017, the Condo Management […]
Ontario held a press conference on July 25, 2017, to announce new protections for condo residents, to be implemented this fall. This is great (but somewhat old) news. What’s new is that we now know more about the education and examination requirements for Condo managers. Today’s announcement In today’s press release the Minister of Government and Consumer Services Tracy […]
The Condo Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO) is seeking your input on the fees it proposes charging to licence Condo Managers in Ontario. The CMRAO is seeking your opinion on these fees through an online survey. CMRAO’s mandate The CMRAO is mandated to protect consumers by enforcing standards for education, training and ethics of Condo Manager and […]
On Monday, we blogged on the newly released implementation dates of most changes to the Condominium Act and to the Condo Management Services Act. On that same day, we were advised by the Ministry that the final version of the first instalment of regulations under the Condo Act would eventually be posted on the province’s e-laws […]
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has just announced the dates by which most of the changes to the Condominium Act and to the Condominium Management Services Act will come into force. New dates for the implementation of the legislative changes Expect most changes to the Condo Act, including the implementation of the new tribunal and of the […]