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Year: 2025

Can owners refuse to pay condo fees when they have a claim against the condo?

In this blog post, we explore whether condo owners can hold back their common expenses when they have a claim against the corporation? In our shortest post ever, the answer is: “no”.  The end. We could have stop the post there but we figured you may want to know a little more about a recent […]

Provincial Elections rules in condos

And they’re off! Ontario is now in election mode. Boards and property managers will soon receive requests from candidates and their representatives wanting to access the property for campaigning purposes.  Time to get a refresher on the rules applicable to provincial elections in condos… especially considering that a failure to comply with them may result […]

Can condo owners access email exchanges between board members?

In most cases, records of a condo corporation are expected to be part of an open book, accessible by owners. But does this right to examine records of the corporation extend to email exchanges between board members? In this blog post, we explore 3 cases on this issue with different lessons. Emails referred to in […]

Does the CAT have jurisdiction over harassment disputes?

As many of our readers likely know, certain condo disputes (but not all) fall under the jurisdiction of the Condominium Authority Tribunal. Indeed, the CAT has jurisdiction over records, pets, parking, storage, nuisance, and chargebacks related to these. However, over the last few years, the Tribunal appears to have taken an expanding approach to its […]

Are condos entitled to enter units to repair and maintain common elements?

As our first blog post of the year, we revisit the question of whether condo corporations are entitled to enter a unit to repair and maintain common elements. As you will see from a 2023 decision, an owner’s refusal to permit access to their unit can end up being costly to them. Webinar season 2025 […]