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Employers Must Display Employment Standard Information

To ensure that employers understand their obligations and that employees know their rights, the Ontario Minister of Labour has published an Employment Standards Poster entitled “Employment Standards in Ontario”. If your condominium corporation has employees (such as a Superintendent or cleaning staff), it is required to post and distribute this poster.

The poster describes important rights and requirements under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and must be posted in the workplace where it is likely that employees will see it. Employers are also required to give a copy of the poster to every employee.  The copy can be provided to the employee by email or in hardcopy.

If an employee requests a copy of the poster in a language other than English and the ministry has published a version of the poster in that language, the employer must provide the translated version in addition to the English copy.  If the majority language of a workplace is a language other than English, and the ministry has published a version of the poster in that language, the employer is required to post a copy of the translation next to the English version of the poster.  Different translations of the poster can be found on the site of the Ministry of Labour.

If your condominium corporation has employees, it has an obligation to comply with the Employment Standards Act, 2000, including the obligations referred above.  Failure to post and distribute this version of the poster may amount to a violation of this Act, which could result in an employment standards officer taking enforcement action.

The Employment Standards Act, 2000 is the provincial legislation in Ontario that prescribes certain minimum standards that must be adhered to in the workplace.  It applies to condominium corporations which are employers (and other provincially regulated employers).  We are regularly requested to advise corporations on employment standards and on human rights complaints.