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Month: October 2015

The Standing Committee Is Seeking Input on Bill 106

As most know by now, Bill 106 (an Act to amend the Condominium Act and other condo-related legislation) passed second reading on October 7, 2015.  It was then referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. Then what? Oral Submissions to the Committee This Standing Committee will hold public hearings in Toronto to consider Bill […]

Bill 106 Passed Second Reading and Was Sent to Committee

Finally!  After more than 10 hours of debate in second reading at the Ontario Legislative Assembly, Bill 106 (an Act to amend the Ontario Condominium Act and other related legislation) passed second reading.  This Bill has now been referred to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs. What is interesting about the conclusion of […]

Changes, Maintenance and Repairs Under the ‘New Condo Act’

Some of the most important changes proposed in Bill 106 (which is the proposed legislation aimed at amending our Condominium Act) deal with the responsibilities and obligations related to changes, maintenance and repairs of units and of common elements. Indeed, if the proposed legislation passes, the responsibility to repair a unit after damage may no longer fall on the corporation […]