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Month: March 2018

New Electric Vehicle Charging Requirements for Condos

The province of Ontario has just released new requirements dealing with Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in condominiums. These new requirements will take effect as early as May 1, 2018.  The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services summarizes these new requirements as follows: Condo corporations meeting certain conditions will be exempt from certain requirements in the […]

LAST WEEK to File your Condo Returns with the CAO

All condominium corporations are now legally required to file condo returns with the Condominium Authority of Ontario (the “CAO”). Corporations have until March 31, 2018 to file their Transitional Returns and Annual Return.  Such filing is done online, directly with the CAO. What are the new Condo Returns? The newly required Condo Returns will provide […]

Tenants in Condos: The New Mandatory Residential Tenancy Agreement

In addition to being busy creating forms under the Condominium Act, the Province has kept busy creating a new mandatory standard lease for residential unit under the Residential Tenancies Act (the legislation presently regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants in a residential setting). Starting April 30, 2018, landlords of private residential rental units, including […]

Explaining the Notice of Meeting to Condo Owners

My own condo corporation is moving towards its first AGM under the amended Act.  We’ve received our financial audits, sent out our Preliminary Notice and picked the AGM date.  Last week, we reviewed the Notice of Meeting (ouch) and the Proxy form (double ouch).  These forms may be difficult to understand to most owners. To (hopefully) […]

Explaining the New Proxy to Condo Owners

This blog post refers to an older version of the proxy form. Be sure to read our more recent blog post. The condo industry is going through significant changes aimed at improving the lives of condo owners in Ontario. As part of the many changes implemented through the Protecting Condominium Owners Act, the province has developed mandatory forms […]

News on How to File your Condo Returns with the CAO

As you know, all condo corporations in Ontario are now required to file new Condo Returns with the Condo Authority of Ontario (the CAO). To this end, the CAO was expected to launch an online platform on March 1st, 2018, for all corporation to file their first transitional returns by March 31. The CAO is revising slightly how […]

Explaining the Preliminary Notice to Condo Owners

My condo board and I recently reviewed our first Preliminary Notice, which we must send out to owners in a few days, in anticipation of our upcoming AGM. We also reviewed our first Periodic Information Certificate, which will go out with the Preliminary Notice to save on stamps. If there was any doubt before, it became obvious […]