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Month: February 2019

Interview on Disputes Between Neighbours

Rod Escayola was interviewed by CBC on an odd case being played out of Kingston. This non-condo court case involves two former neighbours who are suing each other for damages. It all started when, after a confrontation between the two neighbours, one of them tried to  set  the other’s house on fire in the middle […]

Disclosure Statements: Say it Right and Say it Clearly

When purchasing a condominium unit, it is absolutely vital that you know what exactly it is you are getting yourself into. Accordingly, the Act imposes specific disclosure obligations onto declarants attempting to sell a unit. This is done through section 72 of the Condo Act. In the same vein, section 74 of the Act provides […]

Are Condo Owners Entitled to Access the Owners’ Email List?

A recent court decision ordering a not-for-profit organization to disclose the email addresses of its members caused quite a stir in condo land this past week. This brings us to revisit a recurrent question: Are condo owners entitled to access the list of email addresses of other owners? In case you are pressed for time, let […]

What Documents Must be Included with the Periodic Information Certificate?

Most are already familiar with the requirement to send out Periodic Information Certificates (PICs) to condo owners in Ontario.  PICs must be sent twice a year (thankfully down from the initially contemplated 4) and must be prepared in accordance with regulation.  Thankfully, the province of Ontario has made things easier by issuing the form to […]

Refusing to Allow Modifications to Common Elements Can Amount to Oppression

The Condominium Act prevents condominium corporations from treating unit owners unfairly and differently from the rest of the owners. This obligation is found under section 135 of the Condominium Act (the oppression remedy). In Noguera v. Muskoka Condominium Corporation No. 22, the Corporation and its board of directors learned that not complying with such obligations […]