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Amendments to the Condo Act

The New Periodic Information Certificate

Amongst the various new obligations imposed on condo corporations, they will now have to regularly send to all owners various Information Certificates. In this post, we discuss the new Periodic Information Certificate – aka the “PIC”. When, how and to whom is it to be sent? Are your condo fees too high? How do they compare? […]

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Condos?

The province is seeking your input on proposed changes to the Condo Act which would make it easier to install and access electric vehicle charging stations in existing condos. The province recently issued a “plain language” summary of the changes being proposed and seeks your opinion on it.  Now is the time to prepare the future. You may want to consult […]

Disclosure Obligations of Condo Directors at AGMs

One of the many changes to have come into force this month is the requirement for all condo directors to disclose certain facts about themselves or risk being automatically disqualified.  This post will help you with the process and timing of this new requirement. Directors qualifications The amended Condo Act added 2 additional requirements for an […]

New Condo Act: What Changes Have Been Implemented on November First

On November 1st, 2017, the province “turned on” many new legislative provisions affecting the condo industry. There is no turning back now. Still, it is worth remembering that not all changes to the Condominum Act are in force yet. The remaining changes will be implemented in phases. In this blog, we discuss the changes which have been implemented last […]

The Forms Under the New Condo Act Are Out!

We have added a new tab at the top of our blog to facilitate access to the new forms.  You can also click here and be redirected to these new forms. After many years of discussion and speculation, the new Condominium Act is finally here! The majority of the amendments to the Act and the […]

This is What the New Condo Tribunal May Look Like

There is still a fair bit of mystery surrounding the new Condo Tribunal, despite the fact that it is expected to open its doors in less than 2 weeks. How will it work and what will online adjudication look like? In this post, we have a look at how British Columbia did it. The Ontario […]

The Limited Jurisdiction of the New Condo Authority Tribunal

We are expecting the new Condo Authority Tribunal to be up and running as early as November 1st, 2017.  Already some people are suggesting that it is best to delay compliance matters and wait for the Tribunal to adjudicate on condo disputes. In this post, we blog about whether this makes sense and on the limited jurisdiction of […]

Not All Condo Units will Pay the Same CAO Assessment Fee

By now you’ve certainly heard that the Condo Authority of Ontario has set its new Assessment fee at $1/month per unit.  This is only partially accurate.  Not all units are subject to this new fee and not all units will end up paying the same amount. Here is why. *The deadline to register your corporation and pay the assessment […]

Mandatory Registration of All Condos in Ontario

My condo corporation recently received a letter from the Condo Authority of Ontario, inviting us to register the corporation and to pay the initial Assessment Fee. These steps are mandatory and all condo corporations must comply. Here’s how. *The deadline to register your corporation and pay the assessment fee has been extended until February 28, 2018. […]

More About the Mandatory Training for Condo Directors

The Condo Authority of Ontario (CAO) is responsible to provide new mandatory training for all condo directors in Ontario.  We now know a bit more about what kind of training can be expected, who will be required to take it and the time frame to comply with this new requirement. The CAO has also launched 4 […]