Month: April 2020
Not All Condo Meetings Have Been Suspended in Ontario
As blogged earlier, Ontario has passed an Order in Council suspending the requirement to hold condo AGMs and permitting e-voting and e-meetings. That was welcomed news! But there appears to be some confusion as to what this Order in Council applies to. Not all meetings of owners have been suspended. Don’t miss our next CondoVirus […]
CondoVirus Webinar: “The Long and Winding Road” – April 29
CondoVirus Webinar: “The Long and Winding Road” Episode 7 – April 29 Topics: Legal Enigma The province has adopted an urgent order in council: Postponing all AGMs Allowing for e-meeting and e-voting Authorizing electronic communications Permitting virtual board meetings What does it all mean for you? To call or not to call your AGM? How […]
Ontario Postpones AGMs & Allows E-Meetings / E-voting and Electronic Communications to Owners
On Friday evening, Ontario issued an Order in Council temporarily amending the Condominium Act to facilitate ongoing condo governance, amid the Covid-19 crisis. The changes being implemented immediately (and retroactively) are broad and have a significant impact on how condos will conduct business during this period of emergency. We’re summarizing these changes below. Join us […]
Condos’ E-Meeting and E-Voting By-laws
A lot has been written about virtual AGM’s and electronic voting lately. These concepts are not new but their requirement is being precipitated by the current pandemic. In this post, we set out the step-by-step process by which your condo corporation can eventually hold virtual meetings and get owners to votes electronically. Don’t miss our […]
Past Condo Webinars On Demand
The wait is over! We’ve finally posted our past webinars. You can now view them on demand! You can stream our past webinars (and access the various resources shared) by clicking on our Webinar tab (at the top of the page) or by scrolling below. This Week’s Condo Webinar Don’t miss our upcoming webinar on […]
CondoVirus Webinar – “The Beat Goes On” (April 22)
Episode 6: “The Beat Goes On” April 22, 2020. Topics: Insurance Conundrum: Are you insured for this? How to protect your directors and the corporation against future claims? Engineering riddle: Is my HVAC contributing to the problem? Can we proceed with this urgent work? Financial mystery: Do we qualify for any of the federal subsidies? […]
Covid Weekly Update : 5 Things your Condo Needs to Know
To help reduce the Covid-fatigue we’re all suffering from, we try to collate relevant information in a single post. Here’s your weekly update, listing 5 things your condo needs to know to keep up with the ever changing situation. We hope you find that useful and we hope you’ll join us at tomorrow’s webinar(April 14, 5 […]
CondoVirus Webinar – “Implementing the New Normal” (April 14)
Episode 5: Implementing the New Normal April 14, 2020 Topics: We’re still finalizing the topics to be covered but so far we are getting questions on the following: How to deal with a covid death at the condo Owners’ meetings and AGMs – a moving target How to adopt a by-law to allow electronic voting […]
Court Suspends Unit Renovations in Urgent Hearing Amid Covid Crisis
Last week, Ontario reviewed and reduced its list of “essential services”. Doing so, it reviewed which business could remain open and which ones ought to be closed pursuant to the its Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This was done to further minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Change to Management Amongst the many changes, […]
Next CondoVirus Webinar – “Things are Getting Real” (April 7 @ 5pm)
Our next webinar is scheduled for Tuesday April 7 at 5 pm (Eastern time). Check our next webinars here. Topics: We’re still finalizing the agenda but we are being flooded with questions. We will cover the following topics (and more). Changes to essential services The province has changed its definition of essential services Not all condo […]